Life Direction Session
$133.00 Per session, typically 1-1.5h
During this session you will get clear what the deepest part of you is yearning for. No matter how spun around you are, I can help you find your North and in the process heal aspects buried deep.
We all have a truth that is very specific to each one of us, it’s important to study and know that truth very well so that you can thrive in life, and fully realize your potential.
The day you were born the Sun, Moon and planets where in particular constellations in the sky, this is basic astronomy. The birth chart is a picture of the sky that specific day, in the specific latitude/longitude of your town of birth and at a specific time. It’s a beautiful thing.
I can read that map of the sky for you and parallel that to the blueprint of your essence and the truth of who you are. I do this using knowledge of many different disciplines including astrology.
The focus of these sessions is to help you become the master of your life, my goal is to help you ascend into being the master of your particular psychoemotional constitution and boss of your journey. From this leading edge of you is that you can live your greatest story and offer the highest possible contribution to humanity.
Sessions are done via phone or video ;-)
Book an Appointment below
I am really passionate about exploring children’s birth charts, I have done many and the experience is always one of relief and joy for parents. The goal of discussing your child’s birth ‘coordinates’ is that you better understand their how they process life, what their soul wants to offer to the world and what he came here to learn, knowing this you can better support him in his path to personal mastery with reduced suffering and much more gratifying loving relationship.